Saturday, 24 September 2016

# brilliant captain Upendra and Sri Lankan air line pilots are continuing their work-to-rule action launched this week in support of Captain Jayasekera

SEPT   2016
plane-aero plane fyinr.jpgbrilliant captain Upednra and Sri Lankan air line pilots are continuing their work-to-rule action launched this week in support of Captain Jayasekera

pilots are continuing their work-to-rule action launched this week in support of Captain Jayasekera
pilots are continuing their work-to-rule action launched this week in support of Captain Jayasekera. The Guild said that the SriLankan Airlines management had not held any discussions with the pilots in this regard.
“We are not working on our off-days and we are not extending our duty hours,” the Guild's President Renuke Senanayake said. “We are doing only our rostered flights and will continue till there is a solution.”

#Captain Upendra is not  Guilty.

Why ?the procedure of Breathalyzer was faulty Not in conformity with

The test will be conducted in the airline’s Flight Control Centre at the airport with the Ground Safety Manager as witness. If a pilot's blood alcohol level is then found to be above the legal alcohol limit, he or she would then be escorted to a designated private hospital by security personnel. There is also provision for the pilot to visit another approved hospital for a third Breathalyzer test to verify the results of the previous examinations.

#Captain Upendra is  not guilty as proper  Breathalyzer test was not carried out.

More it is prohibited to make any media report on internal matters of this nature by individuals, Yet in the case of  # Captain Upendra, It was not only a media announcement but a  campaign  worldwide a  new distribution probably done by the …. officer who was a student of Captain Upendra some time Back.
Please be professional before making wild allegations as #Captain Upendra is par excellent Pilot  a national asset and asset to Sri Lankan too. May he  be treated with some respect  for his accident free exceptional performance for several   decades and more with Sri Lankan the airline he love to serve.
He is probably the only Capital amply qualified with a Honoured MBA too. A caring father, husband and son.
Captain Upendra is not  Guilty. He could reported sick and avoid

On #Breathalyzer  test
More  Breathalyzer  does not reveal  blood alcohol content only mouth alcohol content. There are  many food that generate alcohol in the mouth. The statement of visibly drunk  may have  to come from some with eye/mind lapse  a  kind coordination defect Image in the  mind is different to  actually what he has seen.- a kind of disorientation lapse.

Captain Upendra boas 16000+ hours  of flying  experience, Touch wood no accident snot even near accidents nor any kind of notable  negligence that jeopardise passenger safety. After all he is a responsive father, and caring husband. Loving son supporting an ailing mother in true Asian style of filial piety.
He is forthright in his ways hence trampling of toes during the recent presentation in Air line commission. Concluded

an aviation enthusiast who has been fascinated with aviation since childhood day. How a such huge thing get airborne ,Amazing pilot  skills of spatial orientation etc
Bloomed after the  missing jet incident  of Upali WIjewardena IN 1983  and RECENT PAST disappeared MH 370 .Both took off  from Malaysia Latter is suspected Captain error

MH 370 is a total disorientation of flight path almost  in  opposite direction. Could not find a any part of the huge aircraft while TINY-Upali jet parts were found

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